Thursday, June 28, 2012

Public Access

Ooh, man.
Days like today I wish I had two baby swings.
Or two nannies.
Or two stiff drinks.
Or, if all else fails, a gun with two bullets.

No, not for the children (you horrible, horrible person)

Two bullets: one for me, and one for Milo.
Because I plan on burying him with me when I die. Pharoh style. AWWW SHIT.
That's right, Milo, you and I are going to be traveling into the next world together. Don't worry - I'll pack a lunch. Because I know it's going to take forever to get there with you having to sniff and/or pee on something every 2 seconds. I can't wait.

It's one of those go-to-the-bathroom-with-the-door-open kind of days because their neediness trumps any sense of privacy (or dignity) I might have.

BTW, Heads up on the whole "going to the bathroom with the door open" thing:
Always check the time first.
Because if you don't, you might suddenly hear your husband arriving home from work, forcing you to make a mad dash for the bathroom door so that the aura of mystery that surrounds you at all times remains intact

Read: girls don't poop.

Another fun fact about going to the bathroom with the door open:
Pets see it as an invitation for snuggle time.

I'm all Milo, Eff off (because I'm trying not curse as much), and he's all why? and I'm all because I'm INDISPOSED at the moment, and he's all, you look okay to me, you're just sitting there, and I'm all it's complicated, just leave me alone okay,  and he's all but you're just SITTING there. Why can't you pet me? and I'm all MILO I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DON'T GET OUT OF HERE IN 3 SECONDS I'M GOING TO BEAT THE BRINDLE OFF OF YOU, and he's all okay, okay, jesus, calm the fuck down (because he doesn't care about cursing in front of the babies). I'm leaving already.

It's weird, going to the bathroom in front of people.
Everybody seems to draw a line in the proverbial sand, as it were, when it comes to bathroom openness.

For example, I had no problem peeing in front of my college roommates. Or my ex husband. But husband #2? To put it bluntly, I'd rather hold my pee inside of me until I develop some kind of massive kidney infection, and then my kidneys explode pee inside of me, and it leaks out of my eyeballs, and children run screaming from me yelling, "she's peeing out of her EYES" and I'm forever referred to as The Eye Pisser, rather than pee in front of Brian.

But I have lots of friends who pee in front of their significant others, so maybe I'm the one with the problem.

It's just that, I guess I kind of feel like it opens the floodgates to a whole bunch of private (and gross) behaviors that are suddenly expected to go public access, if yanno what I'm saying.

Like, one day I'm peeing in front of my spouse, and the next thing I know, I'm chewing on my toenails in bed and only shaving my legs on our anniversary and using crystals instead of real deodorant because it's "all natural" and I don't want to pollute my body with harsh chemicals, but really I just smell like BO all the time.

It's hard, trying to maintain your allure as a wife when you're elbows deep in 8-month-olds. Because, let's face it, your husband saw you immediately post-C-section, when your nethers were swollen and bruised, and the stomach that recently encased two babies was hanging over your pelvis like a sad, partially deflated balloon, and your body was sweating out hormones, and you hadn't showered in 36 hours.
And you think back to that first date, where you made sure your hair looked perfect and you smelled like a sexy flower, and it's kind of like, well, there goes THAT.

But the amazing thing about the human brain is that it can block out traumatic, painful events. So I can only hope that Brian has forgotten what I looked (and smelled) like post-C-section.

Hence: I don't go to the bathroom with the door open.

But where were we? One of those days where I need two bullets/martinis/what-have you?
Well, yeah. It's been a crazy day. But they're sleeping now, so it's all good.

*And that's how I turn a blog that's supposed to be about parenting into a platform for me to rant about bathroom behaviors*


  1. I never learned to close the door once the Mr. moved in. Thus, I've been peeing in front of him for going on 2 years now. And yet, he still married me. Now that's love!

  2. I have never, to this day, seen Alicia use the bathroom. As it happens, today is our nine-year anniversary. She doesn't poop, I know that for a fact. I've never seen her post childbirth, because...well, you know. Anyway, don't pee in front of Brian. Please.

  3. Ha! I never ever ever ever pee in front of Jerry. Ever. I mean ever. Though I must warn you that once those babies get mobile, you will be going to the bathroom with the door open ALL THE FREAKING TIME because you'll get 5 seconds of privacy tops. Fortunately, Brian will most likely see the boys standing at the open bathroom door while you're indisposed, shield his eyes, and run the other way as you scream, "Take them with you!!!" At least that's what happens at my house.

    As for Milo, it's very similar to my Baxter situation. Baxter always knows when Ryan has gone to bed, the house is quiet, and I'm thinking, "I'm going to go to the bathroom in peace and then I'm going to pluck my eyebrows/moisturize/apply Clearasil/take off my nail polish for 10 minutes of personal hygiene heaven." I'm on the toilet for usually about 14 seconds when his giant form comes barging through the door like a bull in a china shop, hops up on the counter and climbs into the sink and waits for me to turn the water on for a drink. And you may ask, why don't you latch the door? A) too used to leaving it unlatched in case of child emergency and B) latching the door is an invitation for Baxter to scratch at said door relentlessly, which invariably wakes up Ryan and/or drives me insane. So that leaves me with a giant cat in the sink, getting water all over his head and leaving cat hair all over the counter while I fight for position at the faucet.

    Ah, babies.

  4. Too funny, I haven't posted using my Google login in forever...can't believe how tiny Ryan is in that avatar!
